Once completed, you will have a full 10 Pages to add to, or create a scrapbook.

This workshop is $50 and will include 2 sessions. Session A will be for cutting out all the pieces and will last about 2-3 hours. Session B will be the assembly part and will last several hours. I would like to do this Session A one evening and Session B the following day (I was thinking Session A on a Friday eve and Session B on the following Saturday. Date and location to be determined).
Oh, I almost forgot to mention this. Since June is Stampganza, I am going to give a 10% Discount on the workshop to anyone who places an order with me. So now, you can buy your stamp sets ON SALE-Buy 2 Get 1 FREE and get a $5 discount on the Footloose workshop. This is a WIN-WIN.
Please email me@ hsch10@bellsouth.net if you would like to do join us in creating this FABULOUS workshop.
Kits are available for purchase if you want to do this on your own. Just get in touch with me and I'll make sure you get your kit.
count me in for workshop! can't wait to make it with you.